Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mini Black and White Cookies!

Cinco de Mayo

Today at work we had an employee luncheon. Theme: Cinco de Mayo. While I can't deny that Mexican food is my favorite cuisine, it seems a little late to be celebrating Cinco. Did they not get the memo? Even more concerning is that they had a Cinco de Mayo celebration without margaritas, clearly the best part of the holiday. At least they made up for it with delicious cookies. Speaking of cookies. I'm going to LA in two days and the first thing I'm going to do is eat my all time favorite cookie, the Black and White. If you've never had one of these amazing creations I highly recommend you stop whatever you're doing and get yourself to the nearest Jewish delicatessen.
Welcome! I never thought the day would come when I started a blog, but one day my friends and I got to talking and realized that Emma's Problemas needed to happen. You see my current occupation breeds some of the most funny and awkward encounters. In fact, sometimes these encounters are so bizarre I begin to question whether or not I'm dreaming.

May this blog provide you with some mild entertainment or at least a good distraction from your day to day routine. Enjoy!